Aria Sports day 6 February 2011
6 February 2011 as told by Steve Kernot

From a worrying commitment of trucks the day before to a well supported event was pleasing and a relief.

The weather was nice and after the preceding weeks rain the track was very wet however we could have used a water cart or two on the doughnut patch.  It was a little dry despite Bill Love’s attempts to remedy the situation with a bucket. 

I had a tricky moment on two wheels as Camo-zuk paused for a moment before dropping back down onto all its wheels.  I had visions of the dip stick award being presented at the Aria Sports Day Awards ceremony.  

It was good to see Tim Singleton’s project on display and earning a lot of interest.  Thanks to all that supported this event as it is a worthwhile link to our community.  We made over $150 and donated it back to the Aria Sports Club.